Weight Lose Surgery

Research Publication

  • Thesis on “Comparative evaluation of double leaved mesh hernioplasty with Lichtenstein’s onlay tension free mesh hernioplasty in management of inguinal hernia”.
  • Clinical trial on “Oral feropenem for superficial wound infection” in 2004.
  • Chapter on “Laparoscopy: present & future” in Surgery update 2006.

Member organising team of following conferences

  • National Conference of Hernia Society of India held in December 2007
  • Obesity and Metabolic Summit: Consensus in Diagnosis and Management of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome on 15-16 November 2008
  • International Endo-Hernia society Fourth Meeting: Consensus Conference of the development of technical guidelines in Endo-Hernia Surgery on 19-21 February 2009

Lecturer/Paper Presentation

  • Unusual case of biliary fistula, ASI monthly meet, April 2005
  • Poster presentation: SAGES, April 2006
  • Poster presentation: Asia Pacific HERNIA Society congress in 2006, New Delhi
  • Oral and poster presentation; SURGICON 2006.
  • Laparoscopic Management of Mirizzi’s Syndrome, IAGES 2008
  • Transabdominal extraperitoneal repair of primary ventral abdominal wall hernias: IAGES 2008.
  • Laparoscopic management of large jejunal diverticulum, Monthly meet of Delhi State Chapter, 2009
  • Video Editing in Monthly meet of Delhi State Chapter, 2010

Conferences Organized

  • Organizing Secretary, MARSCON 2012, Minimal Access Revisional Surgery Conference in association with Dept of Academics, SGRH and ASICON CME foundation on 21st & 22nd April 2012, New Delhi
  • Was in the Organising Committee and Faculty in PNEUMOCON 2012, organized by Dept of SURGERY and Dept of Chest Medicine, SGRH on 4th & 5th May, 2012


  • Mittal T, Kumar V, Khullar R, Sharma A, Soni V, Baijal M, Chowbey PK. Diagnosis and management of spigelian hernia: A review of literature and our experience. J Minim Access Surg. 2008 Oct-Dec; 4(4): 95–98.
  • Chowbey PK, Mittal T, Dey A, Sharma A, Khullar R, Soni V, Baijal M. Laparoscopic management of large hiatus hernia with mesh cruroplasty. Indian J Surg. 2008 Dec;70(6):296-302
  • Chowbey PK, Dey A, Khullar R, Sharma A, Soni V, Baijal M, Mittal T. Agenesis of gallbladder - our experience and a review of literature. Indian J Surg. 2009 Aug;71(4):188-92
  • Chowbey PK, Mittal T, Soni V, Khullar R, Sharma A, Baijal M, Dey A. In Support of Standard Procedure in Hiatal Hernia Repair. Hernia Repair Sequelae, 2010, pp 503-512.
  • Chowbey PK, Dhawan K, Khullar R, Sharma A, Soni V, Baijal M, Mittal T. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: an Indian experience-surgical technique and early results. Obes Surg. 2010 Oct;20(10):1340-7.
  • Chowbey PK, Garg N, Sharma A, Mittal T. Prospective randomized clinical trial comparing lightweight mesh and heavyweight polypropylene mesh in endoscopic totally extraperitoneal groin hernia repair. Surg Endosc. 2010 Dec;24(12):3073-9
  • Ashish Dey, Tarun Mittal, Vinod K. Malik. Bariatric surgery: Development, current status and the future. The Ganga Ram Journal 2012;2:85–91
  • Dey A, Mittal T, Malik VK. Initial Experience with laparoscopic Sleeve gastrectomy by a novice bariatric team in an established Bariatric center- A review of literature and initial results. Obes Surg. 2013 Apr;23(4):541-7
  • Pulle MV, Mittal T, Dey A, Malik VK. Choristoma (Ectopia) of the liver over gallbladder – A rare congenital anomaly. CMRP 2014, 4(4),174–176
  • Mittal T, Pulle MV, Dey A, Malik VK. Porto Mesenteric Thrombosis - An uncommon complication after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research 2014; 2:35-36.
  • Consensus Statement for Diagnosis of Obesity, Abdominal Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome for Asian Indians and Recommendations for Physical Activity, Medical and Surgical Management.

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