Weight Lose Surgeon in Delhi NCR


How do we quantify obesity?

This is done by calculating the persons body mass index.BMI is calculated by dividing the persons weight in kilograms by the square of body height in metres.


BMI = Weight in kgs
(Height in metres)*2

Best Weight Lose Surgery in India


How overweight are you?

All over the world populations are becoming more and more overweight. To measure this, experts now talk about your BMI, or body mass index. This is calculated by dividing your weight in kg by your height in metres, twice. Here are some basic definitions for you.


Weight is commonly measured in Kilograms. The degree of obesity is better measured as BMI (body mass index) which is a ratio of weight and height [Wt in Kg / (Ht in metres)2]. Obesity can be graded as:


Degree of Obesity

Body Mass Index


For Westerners

For Indians



22.5 – 27.5



27.5 – 32.5

Severe obesity


32.5 – 37.5

Morbid obesity


37.5 – 47.5


> 50

> 47.5