How overweight are you?

All over the world populations are becoming more and more overweight. To measure this, experts now talk about your BMI, or body mass index. This is calculated by dividing your weight in kg by your height in metres, twice. Here are some basic definitions for you.

Weight is commonly measured in Kilograms. The degree of obesity is better measured as BMI (body mass index) which is a ratio of weight and height [Wt in Kg / (Ht in metres)2]. Obesity can be graded as:

Healthy Risks

What is obesity?

The Centers for Disease Control defines Obesity as an excessively high amount of body fat in relation to lean body mass. It is commonly measured by body mass index (BMI). BMI Calculator which calculates the relationship of weight to height. An adult with a BMI of 30 or more is considered obese.

How do we quantify obesity?

This is done by calculating the persons body mass index. BMI is calculated by dividing the persons weight in kilograms by the square of body height in metres.

BMI = Weight in kgs
(Height in metres)*2

He is an alumni of Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi , INDIA . He has done his MBBS in 2001. He also obtained M.S. in General Surgery From Lok Nayak Hospital of Delhi. He Obtained Intensive Training In General And Obesity Surgery At Various Levels of his 12 Yrs of career.

Degree of Obesity

Body Mass Index

For Westerners

For Delhins



22.5 – 27.5



27.5 – 32.5

Severe obesity


32.5 – 37.5

Morbid obesity


37.5 – 47.5


> 50

> 47.5

Know More other information

Appendix Surgeon in Delhi

Obesity puts your health at risk

Obesity dramatically increases the risk of:
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Sleep Apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep)
  • Osteoarthritis (wearing away of the joints)
  • Menstural irregularity
  • Stress incontinence
  • Cancer (such as colon cancer, endometrial cancer, and postmenopausal breast cancer)
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Stroke
  • Sudden death
  • Degenerative Disease of Lumbo-Sacral Spine (Backbone)
  • Degenerative Arthritis of weight bearing joints like knee and hip
Venous Stasis Disease in the lower extremities

Emotional/Psychological Illness- Extremely overweight persons face constant challenges to their emotions: repeated failure with dieting, disapproval from family and friends, and remarks from strangers. They often experience discrimination at work. Stereotypes of obese people – such as that they are lazy – may result in lower self esteem and poor body image.

Social Effects-Severely obese persons suffer inability to qualify for many types of employment and there tends to be a higher rate of unemployment among them. There is a general societal belief that obesity is a consequence of a lack of self-discipline, or moral weakness.

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