
What Age is Ideal for Weight Loss Surgery?

One of the most common kinds of procedures for weight loss is bariatric surgery. A BMI of 40 or greater qualifies for consideration of bariatric surgery. Patients who have a BMI of 35 or above and any major weight-related health issues, such as high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or type 2 diabetes, should think about surgery. Your stomach and digestive tract will be surgically altered during this procedure. One of the best methods for helping unhealthy obese people to lose a significant amount of weight is bariatric surgery. But people think that is there any relation between Age and surgery. Or at what ideal age is considered for surgery?

What Age is Ideal for Weight Loss Surgery?

In the last 10 years reports, bariatric surgery has become one of the safest operations you can undergo regardless of what age you are. People above the age of 60 are also considered to be safe for the procedure. The operation is an option for adolescents who have completed puberty and have a BMI of 35 or higher as well as those who have substantial obesity-related health issues.

Besides the age, the following requirements must be met before going through bariatric surgery:


  • History of nutrition: Sometimes patients have difficulty losing weight through diets and exercise. When your attempts for weight loss diet and exercise are evaluated.


  • Psychological status: Stress and motivation levels of the patient are also taken into account. Additionally, a mental health issue might cause obesity. There may be a connection between substance addiction, binge eating disorder, serious depression, schizophrenia, and severe bipolar disorder.


  • Medical condition: Before performing the procedure, the specialists assess the medications you are currently taking. This is done to assess the potential risks of surgery, which include the potential for blood clots, cardiac issues, liver illness, kidney stones, and nutritional deficiencies to increase and become more severe. The results of a number of tests are used to establish surgical weight loss eligibility.

Why should patients come to the Weight lose clinic in Delhi?

The weight lose clinic is certified for bariatric surgery, which means there are minimal complications, far fewer than the national average. We perform a high volume of surgeries and procedures, getting the surgery done in Best Bariatric Surgery Center in Delhi NCR, makes a huge difference. The staff is highly trained, and a patient needs to see qualified professionals. At Weight lose clinic, we have a team that includes surgeons, nurses, nutritionists, psychologists, and more. The facilities are also well equipped for recovery.