
What Health Problems Can Obesity Cause?

Obesity is itself a problem and it can be the root of other health problems. Gaining a healthy weight according to your BMI may not seem like a big deal. But if your weight crosses the BMI limit then it causes problems. There are genetic, behavioral, metabolic and hormonal influences on body weight, obesity occurs when you take in more calories than you burn. Then your body stores these excess calories as fat. Being obese can also, increase your risk of developing much potentially serious health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and atherosclerosis which can lead to coronary heart disease and stroke.

The BMI measures your weight with your height and provides a reading. The reading tells you are at a normal weight, are overweight, or have obesity. Only Weight loss will get you close to the normal BMI range. Your other changes in lifestyle like quit smoking, reduce salt, and get regular physical activity helps you to reduce weight. If lifestyle changes aren't enough, then meet Best Weight loss Surgeon in Delhi NCR, he provides all the treatment and Best weight loss surgery in Delhi NCR to lower your body weight.

Weight loss surgery can improve or prevent health problems associated with obesity. If you have weight-related health problems, Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi NCR would help you about obesity management. He evaluates your health risks and discusses your weight-loss options. The doctor Tarun Mittal also explains how reaching and maintaining a normal weight may help you and your loved ones stay healthier as you grow older.