
What Food Should Avoid After Bariatric Surgery?

If you had bariatric surgery, you must think about your selection of food. As we all know that bariatric surgery made the stomach smaller. It changed the way your body handles the food you eat. You will eat food, and your body will not absorb all the calories from the food you eat.


After surgery, special care should be taken off the diet, otherwise, there is a fear of infection in the body. Post-surgery your doctor, nurse, or dietitian will teach you about foods you can eat and foods you should avoid. It is very important to follow these diet guidelines.


We are telling you the foods which you have to avoid after bariatric surgery.


1. Avoid foods that have a excess of fats, sugar, or carbohydrates. Consuming food items that are high in sugar or fried, like pastries, chips, popcorn, or sweets, may lead to weight gain without any nourishment.


2. Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages as alcohol is high in calories, it does not provide nutrients. After gastric bypass surgery, it must be avoided for at least six months. Alcohol absorption rises multifold after surgery, which could lead to intoxication.


3. After gastric bypass, avoid carbonated drinks that contain a lot of sugar, fructose, or corn syrup. Dumping syndrome is caused by sugary liquids such as carbonated beverages, sodas, and fruit juices.


4. Avoid dry foods, at least in the early stages of post-operative care, because the patient is unable to consume liquids while eating. Dry fruits, nuts, and granola are examples of foods that might make swallowing difficult.


5. Starchy foods such as bread, rice, and pasta can create a paste to build in the throat, making it difficult to swallow without water or other fluids. Food things like this might sometimes obstruct the pouch's hole, causing pain.


6. Tough and dry meals, such as red meat, should be avoided during the first 4-6 weeks. Lean meats, such as minced chicken, turkey, or fish, are advised since they provide protein while being easy to digest.


Food experiences may differ from person to person. Your dietitian or nutritionist can give you suggestions for the list of the foods in your diet. To take an idea of bariatric surgery you can plan a visit to the Best Bariatric Surgery Center in Delhi NCR.