
Weight Loss Surgery: What to Expect

In today's time, obesity is a common problem in India. This problem is spreading rapidly in India. Generally, people suffering from obesity in India have many questions, doubts, concerns, and misconceptions regarding bariatric surgery/weight loss surgery.  In this blog, we are going to discuss morbidly obese individuals for whom bariatric/obesity surgery is an effective treatment option.

Obesity grading

 Not all obese people are the same. This means that not all individuals with a BMI greater than 30 are at the same medical risk. Medical and other problems also increase as BMI increases. If a person's BMI is between 30-35, then they come under the Class I obese person. If a person's BMI is between 35- 40 then they consider in the category of Class II obese person or severely obese. And a person with a BMI between 40-50 is classified as Class III, Morbidly Obese.

What to accept with bariatric (obesity) surgery?

Bariatric surgery is the only option today that has shown consistent, significant, and long-term weight loss. Therefore, all those people who need to lose a lot of weight should consider the option of bariatric surgery. Especially, if they are suffering from other problems related to obesity. The results of bariatric surgery for weight loss are excellent and there is a lot of improvement in obesity-related problems. In this way, the quality of life of such patients also improves significantly. Bariatric surgery is surgery on your stomach and intestine, done to reduce weight. This is made possible by controlling your diet and by changing your gut hormones and metabolism. Nowadays, most such surgeries are performed by Minimally Invasive Methods of laparoscopic surgery.

What are the Potential Benefits of Bariatric Surgery?

Depending on the type of surgery, and lifestyle, you will lose approximately 70 - 80% of your Excess Body Weight (EBW) within a period of 6 months to 2 years. Most patients lose weight quickly in the first few months. The rate of weight loss slows down after a few months, but the weight loss continues for 18 to 24 months after surgery.
Is bariatric (obesity) surgery safe? 
Every major surgery carries some degree of risk. The risks associated with weight loss surgery depend on the type of surgery and other diseases you have. Below we have listed its common side effects.

1.    Inability to eat heavy meals 
2.    The feeling of vomiting/food coming back from the stomach into the esophagus
3.    Minor and temporary hair loss Lose
4.    Skin Problem 
5.    Vitamin deficiencies
6.    Gallstones


Want to know more about bariatric surgery? It is the best centre to visit Weight Lose Clinic in India for bariatric (obesity) surgery in India. Dr. Tarun Mittal is one of the best bariatric (obesity) surgeons, and he and his team achieve what just one surgery cannot achieve.