
Poor Sleep and Weight Gain

Most of us undoubtedly think of diet and exercise when it comes to controlling our weight. We are all aware that we must strive to eat sensibly and engage in regular exercise if we want to maintain a healthy weight. However, it may surprise you to know that there is a third aspect that is equally crucial and overlooked: sleep.

How does sleep affect our weight?

In managing our weight, getting enough quality sleep is just as important as nutrition and exercise. Sleep deprivation can harm all aspects of our lives. Numerous studies have found that sleep deprivation (whether caused by self-induction, insomnia, untreated sleep apnea, or other sleep disorders) frequently results in metabolic dysregulation. Sleep deprivation is linked to increased oxidative stress, glucose intolerance (a precursor to diabetes), and insulin resistance.

We can all relate to the feelings of fatigue because of poor sleep. Our weight is one area that we might not realize is being affected. Yet it’s well known that lack of sleep is a risk factor for weight gain and obesity. 

Late night awake may increase the opportunities to eat, we make poor food choices and we’re more likely to choose sugary or fatty foods over healthy options. When we’re sleep-deprived, we’re less motivated to exercise, so these extra calories did not expend any extra energy. When this pattern continues for several days, it leads to weight gain.

Tips for Quality Sleep during Weight Loss

There are many ways to improve sleep. Here are a few tips for sleeping better when you’re trying to lose weight:

Keep a regular bed time: A big time difference in your sleep schedule or trying to catch up on sleep after a week of late nights can cause changes in metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity

 Sleep in a dark room: Exposure to artificial light while sleeping, such as a TV, mobile light or bedside lamp, is associated with sleep deprivation and an increased risk of weight gain and obesity.

Don’t eat right before bed: Eating late may lead the weight gain. Eat early and sleep early. Sleeping early will help you to avoid late-night hunger.

Reduce Stress: Chronic stress may lead to poor sleep and weight gain in several ways, including eating to cope with negative emotions.

Wake up early: People with late bedtimes may consume more calories and be at a higher risk for weight gain. Waking up early may be more likely to maintain weight loss when compared to people with late bedtime.

Hope, you may understand now that how your weight is related to your sleep. You can talk to Dr. Tarun Mittal about a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight. Top Weight Lose Clinic in Delhi is exclusively focused on the management of severe/ morbid obesity.