
Omicron: Obesity Can Be Dangerous

Omicron, the new variant of Corona is spreading rapidly in the world. Now it has knocked in India as well. You can understand the seriousness of the matter from the fact that the country's top scientist has even warned that this variant can bring the third wave to the country.


The WHO says that Omicron is a big warning to the whole world. Preliminary data suggest that Omicron has the potential to infect a person and may also overpower the immune system.



The WHO confirms the good thing with Omicron is that it can be detected with some RT-PCR tests. This can help detect it and prevent it from spreading. Genetic sequences have to be used to detect many other variants. The RTPCR test only shows whether a person is infected or not. In such a situation, genome sequencing study becomes necessary. But not all infected samples can be sent for genome sequencing. This process takes time, complicated, and expensive.



The RTPCR test reveals the presence of the virus in the body but the severity of disease in humans is not determined only by virus replication but also by the immune response of the person to the infection, which may lead to dysregulation of the innate immune system.


Omicron and obesity

Omicron increases the need to understand mortality rates in the obese. Obesity is a common metabolic disease, with around 28% of Indian adults are classified as obese. This is a matter of concern for obese patients who are defined as having a body mass index of 30 or higher. They have a risk factor for hospitalization and death, especially for those obese who are aged 65 years and older.


Obesity is also a risk factor for severe omicron for young adults and children who do not have other comorbid conditions. It is estimated that omicron deaths rates are around ten times higher than other populations classified as overweight, which is defined as having a body mass index greater than 25.


Omicron and precautions

•   Wear mask appropriately

•   Maintain social distancing

•   Follow proper sanitization and hygiene procedures

•   Avoid repeatedly touching your eyes and mouth

•   Take both shots of covid vaccination

•   Avoid the crowded place

•   Try to maintain weight by dieting or exercising.


Obesity is an invitation for any life-threatening disease. This is necessary to achieve an ideal weight. If you are the victim of severe obesity problems, consult the best bariatric surgeon to lose your weight via surgery.