
Know the Facts of obesity

Obesity is defined as carrying too much weight, mainly fat, around the body. The most prevalent cause of excess fat is that a person consumes more calories than they burn. Obesity can also be caused by sedentary lifestyles and the eating of high-calorie foods. Let’s know the facts of obesity:

Responsible factors for Obesity

Obesity, on the other hand, is not just the result of a lack of control over one's eating habits. Some other factors contribute to it. Certain genetic, behavioral, hormonal, and metabolic factors are uncontrollable by humans. According to a study, people who are exposed to specific situations such as pregnancy, adolescence, and medical problems such as PCOD are more likely to become obese. Adolescents and children are also at risk of obesity due to genetics, parental food habits, and body weight. In such circumstances, developing appropriate eating habits as a child can help to prevent obesity and other lifestyle-related problems.

Reason for Obesity

Obesity is typically caused by an imbalance in calories consumed vs calories burned.  When there has been an increase in the consumption of high-fat and high-sugar foods, Obesity risk increased as a result of increased physical inactivity.

Obesity leads to diseases

High BMI can contribute to noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease (mainly heart disease and stroke). It can also cause muscle and bone problems (especially osteoarthritis – a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints). It also causes Type 2 Diabetes, some cancers, and Gynaecological & sexual problems.

Obesity is preventable

The good news is that obesity and noncommunicable diseases associated with it can be prevented. Individuals can reduce their intake of fats and sugars while increasing their diet of fruits and vegetables. Engage in frequent physical activity as well. Make sure you have healthy and nutritious options at your availability.

Several complex carbs, fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and lean protein should be included in your diet. It should also reduce the number of processed carbs, trans fats, and saturated fats.

Difference between Obese and Overweight


Being overweight and obese leads to abnormal or excess fat accumulation that may affect health. Sometimes, it gets difficult to understand overweight and obese; overweight is an adjective. However, overweight occurs with a BMI range of 25.0 – 29.9.

While obesity occurs with a BMI of 30.0 or greater. So now, it is easier to understand the difference between being overweight and obese.

Obesity leads to birth defects

Mothers with a BMI more than 35 had a 23% higher risk of having a baby with abnormalities than those with a normal BMI. This large population-based study discovered that a mother's overweight and the severity of obesity raise the overall chances of major congenital malformations as well as the risks of many organ-specific groups of abnormalities. Obese women are more insulin resistant at conception, which may result in fetus overnutrition and overgrowth at delivery.


To cope with obesity, be responsible for your diet and implement a healthy lifestyle such as yoga, walking, & exercise. If the condition does not improve through these steps, Bariatric surgery is the last and better option to reduce obesity. Obesity Treatment in Delhi using advanced surgeries and multidisciplinary approach.