
Different Types of Obesity

Obesity is a chronic, complex disorder that can result in excessive body fat and, occasionally, poor health. However, when your body has too much additional fat, it might alter how your body functions. Body fat itself is not an illness. These changes are gradual, have the potential to get worse over time, and may have a negative impact on health. The definition of obesity is typically "excessive body mass." Adult obesity is typically defined as having a BMI of 30 or greater. Obesity that is classified as severe (formerly "morbid") has a BMI of 40 or more.

There are multiple classifications of Obesity.

1. Depending on the area of fat deposition

Peripheral: excess fan in the hips, buttocks and thighs.

Central: excess fat in the abdominal area.

Combination: both peripheral and central obesity.

2. Depending on the association with other diseases

Type-1 obesity: due to excessive intake of calories and less physical activity.

Type-2 obesity: caused by disease like Cushing syndrome, hypothyroidism, PCOS, etc.

Type-3 obesity:  known as morbid obesity

3. Depending on the size and number of fat cells

Adult- type: only the size of fat cells in increased, mostly in the middle age.

Child- type: the number of fat cells in increased and extremely difficult to reduce.

People have different levels of metabolic fitness and require different interventions. Some people's obesity may be related to their alcohol intake, for some lack of exercise and a poor diet.

In this way we can find six types of obese individuals. These are:

1. Young healthy people – but generally have fewer obesity-related complications, such as type 2 diabetes.

2. Heavy-drinkers – those who are obese, with higher alcohol intake.

3. Anxious middle-aged – obese and predominantly people with poor mental health and wellbeing.

4. Affluent and healthy elderly – generally positive health, but defining characteristics of higher alcohol intake and high blood pressure.

5. Physically sick but happy elderly – older people with more chronic diseases such as osteoarthritis, but good mental health.

6. Poorest health – people who are the most economically deprived and have the greatest number of chronic diseases.


Weight loss surgery

If you have been diagnosed with class III obesity, you may be a candidate for bariatric surgery. Surgery is a drastic but incredibly efficient way to lose considerable amounts of weight over the long term. Instead of merely affecting your thinking or behaviours, it also alters your biology. Your digestive tract is affected in some way by every bariatric surgery treatment. They limit how many calories you can take in and absorb. Additionally, they alter digestive system hormones that influence your metabolism and hunger.

Visit the Best Bariatric Surgery Center in Delhi NCR. This is the perfect place for people who want to have most effective treatments. In this centre, the bariatric surgeons and others will explain the process and answer all of your questions.