
Defeating obesity: A Battle Plan

There are millions of obese people around the world, a health issue that thousands of them face. Overweight and obesity have become significant global health problems, where 18 million are believed to be over or obese because of a high percentage of body fat.


There are several reasons why you may be concerned about obesity prevention: creeping weight gain, a family history of obesity, related health issues, or simply an overall concern about overall health. Irrespective of why you set out on this path, it is a worthwhile objective. Keeping your weight in check can decrease your risk of several health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, and much more according to the Best Obesity Surgeon in Delhi, NCR.


To prevent obesity, you should do the following five things. Take these simple steps to keep you healthy and ensure a long life.


1.) You should avoid sugary and unhealthy drinks

It is recommended to drink six to eight glasses of fluid each day. The best choice for quenching your thirst is water since it's healthy and cheap. Water contains no sugar or calories. Healthy beverage options also include sugar-free teas and coffees, as well as lower-fat milk.


2.) Become aware of and understand your eating habits

An experienced Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi NCR shares that consulting with a professional about your eating habits is often helpful for understanding them better and can lead to positive actions to avoid comfort eating or overeating. It may be a good idea to speak with a friend or family member to get the support you need to feel better.


3.) Avoid processed foods:

Highly processed foods, such as white bread and many boxed snacks, are often high in empty calories, the number of which quickly adds up. The study published in Cell Metabolism in 2019 found participants who consumed highly processed foods,consumed more calories while those who consumed minimally processed foods ate less and lost weight.


4.) Prepare food at home:

The frequency with which men and women prepare meals at home is linked to less weight gain, in studies that have examined this issue. Additionally, individuals who prepare meals at home are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.


Many factors contribute to obesity. There is good news in the fact that you can influence the two biggest ones - diet and activity. Fitness and eating well are also important components of a healthy lifestyle, according to Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi NCR. Even if you are obese or overweight already, these strategies will help you lose weight.