
Can the weight grow back after having weight lose Surgery?

Weight loss surgery helps reduce your risk of developing conditions associated with obesity. Most start believing that surgery will automatically result in continued weight loss. They often ask their Weight loss surgeon, are you sure, the weight will not come back?

Answer: that is neither the target of bariatric surgery nor a feasible expectation from surgery. Surgery does not change genes, environment, or psychological approaches to food. We are aware that obese have a tendency (inherited) to gain weight even with moderate calorie intake. Re-gaining weight can undo your hard work and increase your risk of developing heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes.


Re-weight gain can only be explained by

  1.   1. Consumption of calorie-dense food including alcohol, fried snacks, and sweets on regular basis increased fat.
  1. 2. Poor metabolic rate – With weight loss, most will lose fats & muscles both. Low muscle mass results in fewer calories burnt by patients at rest, reducing energy expenditure.
  1. 3. Non-compliance with bariatric lifestyle – This means inadequate chewing of food (resulting in stretching of pouch/stoma), drinking liquids with a meal & inadequate protein intake. These may result in excessive calorie intake.

Can you prevent weight regain?

Yes, there are solutions for regaining weight despite all the mentioned reasons. Firstly, realize that surgery has NO magic but is an excellent TOOL to help you lose & maintain weight. Acknowledge that you have a weight gain tendency, which does not change by surgery. Lifestyle cannot change automatically after surgery. It will change only if you work towards it by avoiding alcohol & calorie-dense food (fried, sweets, snacks, etc.

If lifestyle factors are contributing to weight gain, 4 simple steps for weight maintenance are:

  • Meeting with bariatric surgery support groups
  • Speaking with a nutritionist
  • Recommitting yourself to your nutrition plan
  • Sticking with your exercise routine


Weight gain could also be a combination of factors, such as poor dietary choices and the stretching of the pouch. Addressing weight gain as soon as you notice it is easier to solve than waiting for weeks or months. Whether you need to readdress your diet or undergo a bariatric revision, the Top Obesity Surgeon in New Delhi  can help you get back on track.
According to Dr. Tarun Mittal, Weight maintenance is best in patients who are regular in their follow-up, attend support group meetings & interact with the bariatric team in Delhi. So, seek support as soon as you notice a change on the scale.