
Belly fat raises cancer risk

Your "body mass index," or BMI, indicates whether you are fat or overweight. It is determined by your height and weight. When you are overweight or obese, your body contains more fat than other tissues like muscle and bone. You run a higher risk of developing some cancers and of getting cancer recur after treatment if you carry too much additional weight..


Breast, bowel, womb, oesophageal (food pipe), pancreas, kidney, liver, upper stomach, gallbladder, ovarian, thyroid, etc. cancers are among those linked to obesity. Some tumors may be caused on by excess body fat around the waist. Additionally, it discovered that abdominal fat that is lower than the fat that is just surface of the skin is more likely to be the reason since it releases more of this protein and promotes tumour growth.


How is obesity linked to cancer risk?


It is important to understand what doctors and researchers mean by cancer risk. Not everyone who has risk factors like being overweight or obese will develop cancer. The relationship between body weight and cancer risk is defined by some factors. There are several factors that can impact your risk of developing cancer.


These Include:

1. Belly fat is define with the two layer. The top layer, known as subcutaneous fat, lies inside the skin. The inner layer called visceral fat, is the one that found to be more harmful, as a protein released from fat in the body can turn cells cancerous.


2. Obesity raises your levels of the hormones insulin and insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Too much of this hormone can help some cancers develop.


3. Fat tissue also produces more of the hormone estrogen. It can help some cancers, like breast cancer, develop.


4. Chronic, low-level inflammation is more common in people who are obese and is linked with increased cancer risk.


5. Fat cells affect the working of your body to regulate cancer cell growth.



Experts’ advice

There have been several developments in treating obesity and improving the quality of life of patients. The number of new cases continues to surge. Understanding the cause can help us improve our efforts to reduce the rates of cancer through dietary changes or treatment therapies.


Knowing your cancer risk can help you make healthier choices. Talk with the team of the Best Bariatric Surgery Center in Delhi about what your BMI means for your cancer risk. Weight loss surgery could be a possibility if you suffer from a serious health condition that is linked to obesity, such as diabetes or heart disease. Bariatric surgery, often known as weight loss surgery, is an operation to reduce the size of your stomach and remove fat.

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