
Bariatric Surgery for Diabetes

Since both type 2 diabetes and obesity are caused by problems with the body's metabolism, excess weight frequently plays a significant part in the development of the condition. Therefore, if you lose a lot of weight, you may be able to put your type 2 diabetes into remission.
Bariatric Surgery and Diabetes
Many people's type 2 diabetes symptoms can be significantly reduced after weight loss surgery. Within a year of having bariatric surgery, 60 to 80 percent of type 2 diabetes patients report improved diabetic symptoms.
Following their surgery, many people can change or stop using their diabetes medications. After having weight loss surgery, some people may even enjoy a remission from their diabetes. 
Patients with type 2 diabetes receive two types of weight-loss surgery:
1. A gastric bypass shrinks your stomach and reroutes your digestive system so that food bypasses most of your stomach and a portion of your small intestine, which lowers the number of calories your body can absorb.
2. Gastric sleeve operations shrink out and narrow the stomach by removing a part of it. The production of hormones that increase appetite can be reduced after gastric sleeve surgery.
How exactly does bariatric surgery help type 2 diabetes?
When a person develops type 2 diabetes, their body stops responding to the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels. Blood sugar control may be more difficult when the body develops insulin resistance, which may increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, renal failure, and even blindness.
Weight-loss surgery treats type 2 diabetes in two important ways:
3.    Reduces food intake and the number of calories the body can absorb to help people reach a healthier body mass index (BMI). Alone, this can help someone with insulin resistance and ease blood sugar management.
4.    Promotes improvements in gut hormones that promote a healthy metabolism and more stable blood sugar levels.
After Weight Loss Surgery
5.    There is a good chance that a patient's weight loss surgery will put type 2 diabetes in remission. That doesn't mean that their diabetes is cured; instead, it only means that it has been well managed to the point that they no longer require medication to maintain their blood sugar levels. However, if a patient puts back on the weight they lost, their symptoms can return and they might need medication.
6.    Following bariatric surgery, maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise is essential for treating type 2 diabetes and reaching your weight loss goals.
Dr. Tarun Mittal is a leading name in the field of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Delhi. He specializes in complicated GI surgeries including, Advance Laparoscopic & Robotic surgery for abdominal diseases.