
Are You a Suitable Candidate for Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is usually prefered by people who are dealing with obesity-related health problems and those who failed to lose weight despite making the efforts. You may be a suitable candidate for surgery if:


•   Efforts include both diet and exercise which have been unsuccessful.


•   A person with a BMI of 40 or higher


•   BMI is 35 and you have any serious weight-related health problem like high blood pressure, sleep apnea, or type 2 diabetes


•   You are a teenager and has a BMI of more than 35 has serious obesity-related health problem can give a thought about bariatric surgery.


Requirements before surgery

Before going through bariatric surgery, you have to go through an extensive screening process. The screening process will be done by a dietitian, psychologist, and surgeon. They will indicate to you if bariatric surgery is appropriate for you or other forms of weight loss are better.


The following requirements must be matched before going through bariatric surgery:


1.   History of weight loss and nutrition in terms of diet and exercise is evaluated.


2.   Obesity is also a result of mental health conditions. The patient's stress levels is also taken into consideration.


3.   Other psychological statuses such as substance abuse, binge-eating disorder, major depression, schizophrenia, and severe bipolar disorder may be considered.


4.   The doctors evaluate your medical condition before going ahead with the surgery. They will evaluate the risks of surgery which may worsen as result in blood clots, heart problems, liver disease, kidney stones, and nutritional deficiencies.


5.   Several tests are done to determine the eligibility for weight loss surgery.


6.   Age is also considered in this surgery. Teenagers with a BMI of 35 and people above the age of 60 and older with serious obesity-related health problems can opt for the surgery.


According to Best Weight Loss Surgeon in Delhi NCR :


Dr. Tarun Mittal says the surgery might sound tempting and appealing to many, but bariatric surgery comes with its set of health risks and side effects. But the positive point is that the health benefits of the surgery outweigh the potential risks associated with it. So, obese people should be medically prepared to go through the procedure.


Its success in bariatric surgery is in the long run, the person needs to bring some permanent lifestyle changes and also they need to decide thoroughly and evaluate all the pros and cons of bariatric surgery.